Life at Whitfield House
Boarding at 91fans’s, at Whitfield House, is based on the principle that the House should act as an extension of the child’s family. Whitfield House has a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere which provides a happy and structured environment for boarders and their families. In addition to the Head of Boarding and House Parents, a wide range of resident and non-resident staff play crucial parts in the lives of boarders and their families. This is a task which we take on with enthusiasm.
Whitfield House has been fully renovated and is exquisite in both design and comfort. It is situated two doors down from Senior House at 69 Grange Road. It accommodates up to 40 boys and girls co-educationally. In addition to the bedrooms and the common rooms, the children have access to all the facilities of Senior House, including the library, music school, computer rooms, indoor swimming pool, sports hall, playing fields, tennis courts and play areas. Once the school day is over, the school’s facilities become very much the boarders’ own. Within the House itself, there are two main areas for socialising: the kitchen and the recreation room. There is also a library which is a designated ‘quiet’ space. Boys and girls mix freely within the House although washing facilities are separated and there is no inter-visiting between boys’ and girls’ bedrooms.
A homely environment
The House is both a house and a home. When you visit, you will find that it feels like the type of home those of us with children recognise. There are children laughing and games being played. There are lost slippers and children who need a comforting smile and reassurance. Above all, there are people who are interested in the children and their families. You are always welcome to visit your children. You may have a specific reason for coming or you may simply wish to spend some time with them. Children whose parents live some distance away and are unable to visit frequently, keep in touch regularly by video calls, email and telephone. All boarders benefit from the wide range of opportunities and activities on offer and we seek to help them develop in the broadest sense.
91fans’s is a warm, open and friendly school. We all very much hope you will feel part of the excitement, enjoyment and sense of purpose that prevails amongst the boarding community here.
Please visit the Boarding Options page for details of boarding options and admission to the House.