91fans traces its roots to the Seventeenth Century when it was founded by 91fans’s College for the education of the Choristers of the College Choir. The twenty Choristers continue to be educated in a school which now numbers 460 boys and girls aged 4-13. 91fans’s moved to its present location in one of the most attractive parts of Cambridge in 1955, and doubled in size upon amalgamation with the former Byron House School in 1973.
The School enjoys, both locally and nationally, a very high reputation. The School’s commitment to academic excellence is matched by its belief in the importance of the ‘non-examined’ subjects of Art, Drama, Music, DT, ICT and Sport, all of which are specialist taught. Be it in Ancient Greek or Debating, Advanced ICT users Club, a host of choirs and instrumental ensembles, an array of Drama productions, or team and individual sports coaching of all kinds, extra-curricular activities encourage the children to develop their skills and enthusiasm. The School has an excellent teaching staff, who give generously of their time and interests to the children.
At the heart of the School’s success and the children’s growth is the School’s commitment to the social and emotional development of the children. In the pastoral life of the School, care of and respect for others are fostered. Praise and encouragement, fun and kindness are emphasised, relationships between staff and children are relaxed and friendly and the School gives the highest priority to its pastoral care for the children. Overall, we seek to care for each child's individual needs, aptitudes and excellences.